HomeAdvanced SEO Course - Online Training⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Advanced SEO Course - Online Training⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Advanced SEO Course - Online Training⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Advanced SEO Course - Online Training⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Product Description

What is SEO in 2021? What Really Matters if you do SEO in2021? An Introduction to SEO Google Rankings Always Change ‘User Experience’ Does Matter Google is Moving To A ‘Mobile First‘ Index in 2021 Google has a ‘Page-Heavy’ Penalty Algorithm Google has an ‘Interstitial and Pop-Up‘ Penalty Algorithm What is the PURPOSE of your page? Ranking could be based on a ‘duration metric’ Rankings could be based on a ‘duration performance score‘ What Makes A Page Spam? If A Page Exists Only To Make Money, The Page Is Spam, to Google Doorway Pages What Does Google Classify As Doorway Pages? What Is E.A.T.? Main Content (MC) of a Page Supplementary Content (SC) on a Page The Importance of Unique Content For Your Website User Experience Across Multiple Devices & Screen Resolutions What Does Google Mean By “Low-Quality“? Google Is Not Going To Rank Low-Quality Pages When It Has Better Options Quality Raters Do Not Directly Impact YOUR site Quality Bar – Always Rising – Always Relative? Ratings Can Be Relative Can Thin Content Still Rank In Google? What Are The High-Quality Characteristics of a Web Page? What Characteristics Do The Highest Quality Pages Exhibit? What Are The Low-Quality Signals Google Looks For? Pages Can Be Rated ‘Medium Quality’ Google Quality Algorithm Updates What Is Google Panda? Identifying Which Pages On Your Own Site Hurt Or Help Your Rankings Specific Advice From Google on Pruning Content From Your Site Specific Advice From Google On Low-Quality Content On Your Site Example ‘High Quality’ E-commerce Site What Are YMYL Pages? What Is “Domain Authority“? Is Domain Age An Important Google Ranking Factor? Google Penalties For Unnatural Footprints Ranking Factors Keyword Research - Free Tools & Premium tools Do Keywords In Bold Or Italic Help? How Many Words & Keywords Do I Use On A Page? What is The Perfect Keyword Density? Keyword Stuffing Focus On The User Optimise For User Intent & Satisfaction Focus on ‘Things’, Not ‘Strings’ Can I Just Write Naturally and Rank High in Google? Do You Need Lots of Text To Rank Pages In Google? Optimising For ‘The Long Click’ Importance of User Generated Content On - Page Optimization Off - Page Optimization Robots.txt File H1-H6: Page Headings Alt Tags & ALT Text Link Title Attributes, Acronym & ABBR Tags Keywords In URLs Make Search Engine Friendly URLs How long is too long for a URL? Subdirectories or Files For URL Structure Should I Choose a Subfolder or Subdomain? Which Is Better For Google? PHP, HTML or ASP? Is Valid HTML & CSS A Ranking Factor? Point Internal Links To Relevant Pages Link Out To Related Sites Broken Links Are A Waste Of Link Power Does Only The First Link Count In Google? Duplicate Content Duplicate Content SEO Best Practice Double or Indented Listings in Google Create Useful 404 Pages 301 Redirects Are POWERFUL & WHITE HAT Some Redirects May Be Treated As Soft 404 Errors You MUST Redirect To Equivalent Content in 2019 How To Use 301 Redirects Properly To Preserve Rankings in Google in 2019 Redirect Non-WWW To WWW (or Vice Versa) The Canonical Link Element Is VERY IMPORTANT Do I Need A Google XML Sitemap For My Website? Enough Satisfying Website Information for the Purpose of the Website Dynamic PHP Copyright Notice in WordPress Rich Snippets Adding Schema.org Markup to Your Footer Keep It Simple, Stupid How Fast Should Your Web Page Load? A Non-Technical Google SEO Strategy Does Google Promote A Site Or Demote Others In Rankings? What You Should Avoid When Practicing Website Search Engine Optimisation Don’t Flag Your Site With Poor Website Optimisation The Continual Evolution of SEO How Does Google Search work? Beware Pseudoscience In The SEO Industry How Long Does It Take To See Results from SEO? A Real Google Friendly Website What Are The Best SEO Tools for SEO in 2019? Google Webmaster Guidelines SEO Tool - How to Use Moz.com SEO Tool - Using Ahrefs.com SEO Tool - Using SEMRush.com Monetization Strategies with SEO Websites YouTube and Video SEO Mobile SEO Listing a Google Business on Maps Measuring the ranking of Keywords Case Studies Free SEO Notes PDF


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